Sunday, January 8, 2012

Exercise: The Best Preventative Medicine

There are many preventative measures one can take for better health including, maintaining a healthy weight, eating your fruits and veggies, avoiding smoking, limiting alcohol consumption, etc. This video highlights how studies suggest that EXERCISING 30 minutes a day gives you the greatest return on investment, making the biggest difference in your health for your efforts.

For a complete articulation of the role of exercise as preventative medicine watch:

Some highlights include:
“Exercise can reduce the rates of pain and disability for arthritis patients, reduce the progression of dementia and Alzheimer’s” 
...Reduce the progressions of diabetes by 58%"
"....Reduce the risk of hip fracture in post-menopausal women by 41%"
"....Reduce anxiety by 48%"
"....Reduce depression by at least 30%”
"Low fitness is the strongest predictor of death, above obesity, smoking-related disease and high blood pressure.”*

*According to [a study led by] Steven Blair, Professor at Arnold School of Public Health, University of South Carolina,

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